

  Millipore0.5ml超滤离心管3KD UFC500308  其垂直膜设计,Amicon0.5毫升超滤离心管提供了强大的性能和更低的自旋次数。Amicon Ultra-0.5 mL Centrifugal Filters for Protein Purification and Concentration

数量/ PK:8

  Millipore0.5ml超滤离心管3KD UFC500308主要应用:蛋白质纯化、免疫印迹、蛋白提取  应用说明:固定角转子:14,000浓度自旋XG;1000反向旋转的XG  长度,cm(中):4.99(0.196)  化学材质:再生纤维素  离心应用:蛋白浓度和脱盐  离心过滤单元类型:蛋白质样品制备  zui小的zui终浓缩体积,μL:15  过滤器类型:超滤  长度,毫米:49.9  NMWL(KDA):3  直径,毫米:10.8  过滤代码:PL  过滤面积,平方厘米:1

Maximum initial sample volume, µL 500
Typical final concentration volume, µL 15 – 20
Recommended relative centrifugal force 14,000 x g for concentration spin 1,000 x g for reverse spin
Maximum relative centrifugal force 15,000 x g
Active membrane area, cm2 1
Hold up volume, µL < 1
Filter device Copolymer styrene/butadiene
Membrane Millipore Ultracell low-binding regenerated cellulose
Collection tube Polypropylene
The ultrafiltration membranes in Amicon Ultra-0.5 mL devices contain trace amounts of the following: Amicon Ultra 3K devices: glycerine Amicon Ultra 10K device: triethylene glycol (TEG)
If these materials interfere with analysis, pre-rinse the device with buffer or Milli-Q water. If interference continues, rinse with 0.1 N NaOH followed by a second spin of buffer or Milli-Q water.
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