

伯乐1658001、伯乐1658033、伯乐1652100、伯乐1725121、伯乐1250140、伯乐1504114、伯乐12001925、伯乐1522750等伯乐代理产品,咨询微信:jinshanbio 金 山 科研 平台

1640301Wide Mini-Sub Cell GT Horizontal Electrophoresis System, 15 x 10 cm tray, with PowerPac Basic Power Supply宽型 Mini-Sub Cell GT 水平电泳系统

1704487Mini ReadySub-Cell GT Horizontal Electrophoresis SystemMini-Sub Cell GT Cell水平电泳槽

1704406Mini-Sub Cell GT Horizontal Electrophoresis System, 7 x 7 cm tray, with casting gatesMini-Sub Cell GT Cell水平电泳槽 套装

1704401Sub-Cell GT Horizontal Electrophoresis System, 15 x 10 cm tray水平电泳系统,包括 15 孔和 20 孔梳子,15 x 10 cm (W x L) 紫外透明托盘

1704481Sub-Cell GT Horizontal Electrophoresis System, 15 x 10 cm tray, with gel caster水平电泳,包括 15 孔和 20 孔梳子、15 x 10 厘米透明托盘、凝胶浇注器

1652100MicroPulser Electroporater, includes a cuvette chamber with leads, 10sterile cuvettes (5 each of 0.1cm and 0.2cm gap)MicroPulser电穿孔仪

1652660Gene pulser Xcell Total System, for mammalian and microbial cells, 100/240V, 50/60Hz Exponential-decay and aquare-wave delivery, includes main unit, CE module, PC module, ShockPod cuvette chamber, 15sterile cuvettes (5each of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 cm gap), cuvette rackGene Pulser 电穿孔系统

1652666Gene Pulser Xcell Main Unit,100/240 V, 50/60 Hz, main module of the Gene Pulser Xcell electroporation systemGene Pulser 电穿孔系统

1652669Gene Pulser Xcell ShockPod Cuvette Chamber,Pkg of 1, electroporation chamber of the Gene Pulser Xcell and Gene Pulser II electroporation systems, includes integral leadsGene Pulser 电穿孔系统

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