伯乐BIO-RAD 145-0011 细胞计数板


伯乐BIO-RAD 145-0011 细胞计数板 伯乐 BIO-RAD 145-0011

伯乐BIO-RAD 1450011 细胞计数板 30片/盒 TC20细胞计数

伯乐BIO-RAD 145-0011 细胞计数板

Bio-Rad伯乐细胞计数板Counting Slides145-0011,30 slide pack of dual-chamber slides (60 counts), each slide can provide counts for 2 separate samples or dilutions


Bio-Rad伯乐细胞计数板Counting Slides145-0011

30 slide pack of dual-chamber slides (60 counts), each slide can provide counts for 2 separate samples or dilutions,适用于TC20 自动细胞计数器。


伯乐Biorad细胞计数板 计数板试剂盒1450016

Packaging Options

1450015  细胞计数板, 5 x 30 盒      1450015  Cell Ctng Slides, 5 x 30 2-well slides

1450016  细胞计数板, 10 x 30 盒       1450016  Cell Ctng Slides, 10 x 30 2-well slides

1450017  细胞计数板, 20 x 30 盒       1450017  Cell Ctng Slides, 20 x 30 2-well slides

1450018  细胞计数板, 30 x 30 盒       1450018  Cell Ctng Slides, 30 x 30 2-well slides

1450019  细胞计数板, 40 x 30 盒       1450019  Cell Ctng Slides, 40 x 30 2-well slides

1450020  细胞计数板, 80 x 30 盒       1450020  Cell Ctng Slides, 80 x 30 2-well slides

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