RPMI-1640 Medium-授权一级代理


RPMI-1640 Medium

简要描述:RPMI-1640 MediumWith L-glutamine, without sodium bicarbonate, powder, suitable for cell culture


RPMI-1640 Medium



technique(s):cell culture | mammalian: suitable.

components:L-glutamine: yes;HEPES: no;phenol red: yes;NaHCO3: no;sodium pyruvate: no.

General description:RPMI 1640 Medium was developed at Roswell Park Memorial Institute in 1966 by Moore and his co-workers. A modification of McCoy′s 5A Medium, it was formulated to support lymphoblastoid cells in suspension culture, but it has since been shown to support a wide variety of cells that are anchorage-dependent. Originally intended to be used with a serum supplement, RPMI 1640 has been shown to support several cell lines in the absence of serum. It has also been widely used in fusion protocols and in the growth of hybrid cells. This medium is suitable for culturing human normal and neoplastic leukocytes.

Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium is commonly known as RPMI. It is a form of medium used in cell culture and tissue culture. This medium contains phosphate and is formulated for use in a 5% carbon dioxide atmosphere. It is used for the growth of human lymphoid cells.


RPMI-1640 Medium is used for the following applications:

used in cell culture medium (i.e. Murine thymoma EL-4 cells were cultured in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with other components)

used for the mycobacterial infection of splenocytes (in antibiotic-free RPMI 1640 medium)

used for cell isolation and culture

used in culture medium (as one of the component) during lymphocyte separation and culture, ELISPOT Assay, Ex Vivo proliferation assay

used in medium for gp39 gene expression and CD40-Immunoglobuin binding assays

used for the preparation of antifungal agents

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