


简要描述:人脐动脉平滑肌细胞:Vascular smooth muscle cells are the cellular substrate of most significant arterial disease.


product name:Human Umbillical Artery Smooth Muscle Cells(人脐动脉平滑肌细胞);

cat no:ABC-TC3859;

Size/Quantity:1 vial;

Biosafety Level:1;

Shipping Info:Dry Ice;

Storage:Liquid Nitrogen;

Description:Vascular smooth muscle cells are the cellular substrate of most significant arterial disease. The increased growth potential of vascular smooth muscle cells represents one of the crucial anomalies responsible for the development of essential vascular diseases. New studies demonstrate that vascular smooth muscle cells express ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, which may contribute to the inflammatory reaction in the vascular wall and may actively be involved in the progression and stability of vascular disease. In vitro culture of human VSMC as a model of vascular research played a critical role and continues providing information in the pharmacology and the therapy of vascular diseases.HUASMC from AcceGen Research Laboratories are isolated from human umbilical arteries. HUASMC are cryopreserved at the end of secondary culture and delivered frozen. Each vial contains >5×10^5 cells in 1 ml volume. HUASMC are characterized by immunofluorescent method with antibodies to ?-smooth muscle actin and desmin. HUASMC are negative for HIV-1, HBV, HCV, mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast and fungi. HUASMC are guaranteed to further expand for 15 population doublings at the condition provided by AcceGen Research Laboratories.;

Quality Control:All cells test negative for mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, and fungi;

Application:For research use only.

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