

EZBioscience是ZScience Biotechnology Corporation Limited是美国的一个生物技术品牌,主要专注于新技术开发和制造用于分子生物学的智能工具。EZBioscience的科学家和工程师是蛋白质表达、纯化、结晶、结构测定和化学合成方面的专家,在分子克隆、RNA纯化和相关检测领域也拥有高度复杂的技术体系。EZBioscience的使命是通过向世界各地的科学家提供设计更巧妙的试剂和试剂盒,帮助使生物和医学研究更容易。EZBioscience对医疗研究人员的承诺是以优惠的价格提供优质的产品。EZBioscience,使研究更容易。


产品一:EZ-press Single Cell to cDNA Kit (B0011)

产品介绍:The EZBioscience® EZ-press SINGLE Cell to cDNA Kit allows researchers to analyze the gene expression of single or very low cell numbers (1 ~ 1,000 cells) in a reliable, sensitive and easy way. Cells are first lysed by the unique Cell Lysis Buffer. Then cDNA is produced and pre-amplified using gene specific primers from the cell lysate in the same tube. Due to the pre-amplification following reverse transcription, extremely low concentration of RNA from a very small amount of cells can be detected by the subsequent qPCR.

产品二:EZ-press RNA Purification Kit (B0004D)

产品介绍:The EZBioscience® EZ-press RNA Purification Kit provides a simple, reliable, and rapid method for isolating high-quality total RNA from a wide variety of sources, without the need for toxic substances such as phenol or chloroform. The kit can be used with cultured cells. Biological samples are first lysed and homogenized in a strong denaturant containing buffer, which immediately inactivates RNases to ensure isolation of intact RNA. After homogenization, ethanol is added to the lysate, creating conditions that promote selective binding of RNA to the silica-based membrane. The sample is then applied to the Spin Column, where the total RNA binds to the membrane, then the membrane is treated with gDNA Remover to eliminate the DNA. Contaminants are efficiently washed away by subsequent step of washing. The high-quality total RNA is then eluted in Elution Buffer. The purified total RNA is suitable for use in a variety of downstream applications, including: RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, and so on.

产品三:4× EZscript Reverse Transcription Mix II (with gDNA Remover) (EZB-RT2GQ)

产品介绍:TheEZBioscience®4× EZscript Reverse Transcription Mix II (with gDNA Remover) is a new-generation fast reverse transcription kit with higher reverse transcription efficiency compared to previous generations.

The kit is suitable for real-time RT-PCR (RT-qPCR) that contains a gDNA Remover which can effectively eliminate the contamination of genomic DNA (gDNA) or other double stranded DNA during the analysis of gene expression. To accurately analyze gene expression, it is necessary to detect cDNA in samples without contaminating DNA. To avoid amplification of gDNA, primers can be designed on different exons spanning introns. However, there may be cases where a suitable primer cannot be designed, as with a gene with a single exon or a gene without a long intron. Also, it may be difficult to avoid unexpected amplification from gDNA due to non-specific amplification or the existence of pseudo-genes. Moreover, some labs are heavily contaminated by the PCR products of previous tests. This kit offers a potent gDNA Remover that can eliminate double stranded DNA in RNA sample in 5 minutes at room temperature without loss of RNA. Then the first strand of cDNA is synthesized by adding the 4× EZscript RT Mix II. Reaction products are applicable to subsequent PCR, qPCR.

The mix contains reverse transcriptase, RNase Inhibitor, optimized buffer system, dNTPs, and Oligo dT18 and Random Hexamer as primers. The reverse transcriptase in this Mix is a genetic engineered enzyme based on M-MLV (RNase H-) reverse transcriptase. And the multiple site-mutations of reverse transcriptase can obviously increase its affinity to RNA templates and its strand extending ability, which make reverse transcription reaction more efficient. Moreover, this transcriptase is rather resistant to common reverse transcriptase inhibitors. At the same time, the kit uses the latest optimized reaction system to further improve the reverse transcription efficiency. This product is also very suitable for reverse transcription using plant RNA.


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