miltenyi 美天旎磁珠CD25 MicroBeads II, human - lyophil130-097-044


miltenyi 美天旎磁珠CD25 MicroBeads II, human - lyophil



miltenyi 美天旎磁珠CD25 MicroBeads II, human - lyophilized品牌:Miltenyi(美天旎)货号:130-097-044CAS号:详见说明书供应商:Miltenyi(美天旎)保质期:详见说明书保存条件:详见说明书规格:EA


miltenyi 美天旎磁珠CD25 MicroBeads II, human - lyophilized

品牌: Miltenyi(美天旎)货号: 130-097-044CAS号: 详见说明书供应商: Miltenyi(美天旎)保质期: 详见说明书保存条件: 详见说明书规格: EA

miltenyi 美天旎磁珠CD25 MicroBeads II, human - lyophilized

CD25 MicroBeads II were developed for positive selection or depletion of CD25+cells.

miltenyi 美天旎磁珠CD25 MicroBeads II, human - lyophilized

Background information

CD25, the low-affinity interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain (IL-2Rα), is expressed on activated T and B cells and monocytes. CD25 is also present on a subset of non-activated CD4+T cells, which has regulatory function.

The CD25 MicroBeads II recognize epitope A of the CD25 molecule.

For control staining of cells separated with CD25 MicroBeads II, it is recommended to use MACS®CD25 Antibodies, which bind to epitope B of the CD25 antigen.

For isolation of CD25+cell subsets, the CD25 MicroBeads II can be combined with MACS®Cell Isolation Kits or MultiSort Kits. The CD4+CD25+Regulatory T Cell Isolation Kit is recommended for most efficient separation of CD4+CD25+regulatory T cells.


For positive selection: MS, LS, XS, or autoMACS®Columns. For depletion: LD, CS, D, or autoMACS Columns.

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