罗氏ROCHE faststart universal probe master现货04914058001


罗氏ROCHE faststart universal probe master现货



罗氏ROCHE faststart universal probe master现货规格5ml现货供应,*


罗氏ROCHE faststart universal probe master现货

罗氏ROCHE faststart universal probe master现货


4673417001FastStart TaqMan Probe Master10 x 1.25 ml (for 500 reactions of 50µl final reaction volume)
4673468001FastStart TaqMan Probe Master10 x 1.25 ml (for 500 reactions of 50µl final reaction volume)
4914058001FastStart Universal Probe Mast10 x 5 ml (for 2,000 reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
4914066001FastStart Universal Probe Mast1 x 50 ml (for 2,000 reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
3622614001Deoxy-NTP Set, slt. PCR Grade4 x 1,250 µl(125 µmol) (for 12,500 reactions at 50µl final volume)
3732681001dATP,PCR Grade Di-Na Solution4 x 1,250 µl (4 x 125 µmol)
3732690001dCTP,PCR Grade Di-Na Solution4 x 1,250 µl (4 x 125 µmol)
3732703001dGTP, PCR Grade4 x 1,250 µl (4 x 125 µmol)
3732711001dTTP,PCR Grade Di-Na Solution4 x 1,250 µl (4 x 125 µmol)
3732720001dUTP,PCR Grade Di-Na Solution4 x 1,250 µl (4 x 125 µmol)
11828665001HP RNA Isolation Kit1 kit (50 reactions)
12033674001HP RNA Tissue Kit1 kit (50 isolations)
10127884001L-LDH, (rabbit muscle), 100 mg100 mg (10 ml)
10127990001NAD, approx. 98%, lyo., 5 g5 g
3315932001Water,PCR Grade (25x1ml)25 ml (25x 1 ml)
4738250001Expand HiFi PCR System dNTPack100 U
10109142001RNase A, 25 mg25 mg
11585371001Acetyl-CoA, 200mg200 mg
10708992001DTT, 50g50 g
11816586001Agarose MS100 g
5080576001High Pure miRNA Isolation Kit1 kit (50 isolations)
11855476001Titan One Tube RT-PCR System(1100 reactions
4728882001Taq DNA Polymerase dNTPack 1001,000 U (4 x 250 U)
3553361001FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy2,500 U (10 x 250 U)
10737046001GOT, 25 mg25 mg (2.5 ml)
11858882001HP Viral RNA Kit1 kit (100 purifications)
10109509001tRNA, from Baker's Yeast, 500500 mg
10810126001CHAPS, 50g50 g
4738241001Taq DNA Polymerase (1u/ul)dNTP1,000 U (4 x 250 U)
10171832001Aldehyde Dehydrogenase from Ye250 U
10621692001NADPH, approx. 98%, 500 mg500 mg
3115801001Proteinase K,recomb.,PCR Grd.l2 x 250 mg
11641786001Streptavidin Magnetic Particle10 ml
10102857001Amyloglucosidase from Aspergil100 mg (10 ml)
11787896001mRNA Capture Kit1 kit (192 reactions)
4738381001FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack1,000 U (4 x 250 U)
10128058001NADP, approx. 98%, 1 g1 g
4340850001Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase500 U (2 x 250 U)
11093037001Chromozym t-PA20 mg
10703729001X-gal, 2.5g2.5 g
11666789001Buffers in a Box, premix PBS B4 l
10127647001Glucose-6-phosphate5 g
10127973001NAD, approx. 100%, Grade I, ly5 g
10197734001Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GlDH)3,000 U
11635379001Rapid DNA Ligation Kit1 kit (40 DNA ligation reactions)
11383175001Free Fatty Acids, Half Micro Tapprox. 5 x 10 tests
10109541001tRNA, from E.coli MRE 600, 100100 mg
10621650001NAD, approx. 98%, lyo., 10 g10 g
11636090910PCR Dig Probe Synthesis 1pc1 kit (25 reactions)
3732738001ddNTP Set, Sequencing Grade4 x 1 µmol (4 x 100 µl)
10127914001L-MDH, (pig heart), 25 mg25 mg (5 ml)
10737232001G6P-DH, Grade II, 25 mg25 mg (5 ml)
12032937001FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,1,000 U (4 x 250 U)
10127558001ADH, susp. 1g (34ml)1 g (34 ml)
10837016001Formate Dehydrogenase, 250 u250 U
11636103001PCR Master1 kit (for 200 PCR reactions of50µl final reaction volume)
11411446001Isopropyl-b-D-thiogalactoside5 g
11666703001PREMIX 10XTBE BUF/WAS 100957 44 l
10128163001Pyruvate Kinase (PK), susp., 1100 mg (10 ml)
4716728001DNase I recombinant, RNase-fre10,000 U (provided withincubation buffer)
10737127001GPT, 25 mg25 mg (2.5 ml)
11681834001Expand Long Templ.PCR Syst.150 U
3115887001Proteinase K,recomb.,PCR Grd.S1.25 ml
10108987001Pyrophosphatase, Inorganic (PP1 mg (1 ml)
10736619001Ascorbate Oxidase Spatula25 spatulas
10837059001Lysozyme10 g
10972983001T4 Gene 32 Protein, 100ug100 µg
11388983001Agarose MP, 100g100 g
11666681001Buffers in a Box, premix SSC B4 l
10775835001BSA Fraction V, Fatty Acid fre50 g
10101907001Acetyl-CoA, 50mg50 mg
4710444001FastStart PCR Master 10 ml8 x 1.25 ml (for 400 reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
11732676001HP PCR Product Purification Ki1 kit (250 purifications)
11754785001HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 2501 kit (250 purifications)
10102121001Adenosine Deaminase (ADA), sus10 mg (1 ml)
11119915001RNase, DNase-free500 µg (1 ml)
11775367001Uracil-DNA Glycosylase,Heat-la100 U
10105589001GPT, 10 mg10 mg (1 ml)
10621722001Creatine phosphate, 10g10 g
12011875001HP Viral Nucleic Acid Buffer S1 set (100 isolations)
11775375001Uracil-DNA Glycosylase,Heat-la500 U
11785834001ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase5,000 U (100 µl)
10378445001Chromozym PK20 mg
10602400001Thrombin, from human plasma20 U
11581295001PCR Nucleotide Mix (200 react.200 µl (for 200 reactions of 50µl final reaction volume)
10107824001NADPH, approx. 98%, 100 mg100 mg
10109525001tRNA, from Brewer's Yeast, 500500 mg
10602361001Plasmin, from human plasma5 U (0.5 ml)
10602370001Plasmin, from bovine plasma5 U (1 ml)
11969013001dATP,PCR Grade Di-Na solution1,250 µl (125 µmol)
11969021001dCTP,PCR Grade Di-Na solution1,250 µl (125 µmol)
11969030001dGTP,PCR grade solution1,250 µl (125 µmol)
11969048001dTTP, PCR Grade, 125 Ámol1,250 µl (125 µmol)
11969056001dUTP, PCR Grade, 125 Ámol1,250 µl (125 µmol)
10981249001Nitrate Reductase20 U
10128031001NADP, approx. 98%, 100 mg100 mg
12140306001GC RICH PCR System100 U
10621714001Creatine phosphate, 5g5 g
11202332001Amyloglucosidase, Lyo., SQ500 U
3789403001Pwo Master2.5 ml (10 x 250 µl) (for 100 reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
11080733001Universal Protease Substrate,15 mg
4422694001High Pure 96 UF Cleanup Kit1 kit (2 x 96 purifications)
10835269001Ampicillin, 50g50 g
10102105001Adenosine Deaminase (ADA), 10m10 mg (2 ml)
11363905910DIG-11-ddUTP25 nmol (25 µl)
11858874001HP Viral Nucleic Acid Kit1 kit (for up to 100 purifications)
4743725001Expand HiFi PLUS PCR System dN125 U
10109134001RNase, 500 mg500 mg
101278330013-HBDH, Grade II10 mg (2 ml)
11680293001X-gal, 100mg100 mg
11888382001Titan One Tube RT-PCR System (25 reactions
10662046001b-Galactose Dehydrogenase S50 U
10745782001DNA, Lambda1 ml (5 A260 units)
4829034001Expand Long Range dNTPack 175175 U (50 reactions)
4536282001DNase I rec., grade I 20KU2 x 10,000 U
10127566001Creatine Kinase (CK), 100mg100 mg
10109517001tRNA, from Brewer's Yeast, 100100 mg
12032929001FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,500 U (2 x 250 U)
10127671001G6P-DH, Grade II10 mg (2 ml)
10106801001Kanamycin Sulfate5 g
11814320001Formamide500 ml
10109169001RNase A, 100 mg100 mg
10127531001ATP, disodium salt, 10g10 g
10105031001b-Galactosidase, 1500U1,500 U
11417967001SuRE/Cut Buffer B5 x 1 ml
11417991001SuRE/Cut Buffer H5 x 1 ml
10109045001Pyruvate Kinase (PK), sol., 1010 mg (1 ml)
10107409001Mitomycin C2 mg
3115879001Proteinase K,recomb.,PCR Grd.l100 mg
10109193001RNase T1, 100 000 U100,000 U
10128155001Pyruvate Kinase (PK), susp., 110 mg (1 ml)
10724815001Isopropyl-b-D-thiogalactoside1 g
11074059001Collagenase H, 500mg500 mg
10104159001DNase I, Grade II100 mg
10708976001Tris1 kg
10127523001ATP, disodium salt, 5g5 g
11082035001SuRE/Cut Buffer Set for Restr.1 set
4883560001FUGENE HD TRIAL PACK1 trial pack
10693944001Restr.-Endonucl. Hae III, 50005,000 U (10 U/µl)
12015200001Lumi-Light Western Blotting Su400 ml (4,000 cm2 membrane)
11210238001DIG Glycan Differentiation Kit1 kit (5 x 5 blots, each 10 x 10 cm)
11383213001NBT, Solution50 reactions (sample)
5081955001Transcriptor HiFi cDNA Synth.1 kit (50 reactions, including10 control reactions)
3115836001Proteinase K,recomb.,PCR Grd.25 mg
11697471001NBT/BCIP Ready-to-Use Tablets20 tablets
10528552001DNA MW-Marker III50 µg (1 A260 unit)
11164368001N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase C3 x 1 ml
11496549001Fast Red,Tabl.20 tablets
10642711001DNA Polymerase I, Endonucl.-fr250 U
11721933001DNA MW-Marker XIV50 µg (1 A260 unit)
11681451001NBT/BCIP Stock Solution8 ml
10709557001T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, 200200 U
11218590910DNA Mol-weight Marker II,Digox5 µg (500 µl)
11218603910DNA Mol-weightMarker III,Digox5 µg (500 µl)
11034731001Primer,random2 mg (50 A260 units, 1 µmol)
11603558001DIG Easy-Hyb500 ml
11721925001DNA MW-Marker XIII50 µg (1 A260 unit)
11855638001DNA MW-Marker XVI50 µg (200 µl)
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