LIFE ambion PureLink RNA Mini Kit(货号12183025)12183018A


LIFE ambion PureLink RNA Mini Kit(货号12183025)



LIFE ambion PureLink RNA Mini Kit(货号12183025)12183018A 规格50 preps12183025 规格250 preps


LIFE ambion PureLink RNA Mini Kit(货号12183025)

Ambion公司成立于1988年,从1989年开始在美国德克萨斯州的奥斯丁市开始运营。公司在剑桥和日本都设有分支机构。Ambion本身称为RNA公司自有其道理,自成立以来它所有产品都围绕RNA的。在RNAi这方面,他们从2001年开始提供相关产品,是zui早提供RNAi产品公司之一。目前Ambion公司提供六种RNAi产品,它们分别是:化学合成、利用试剂盒转录获得、利用RNA酶将长片段双链RNA切割获得、利用质粒表达shRNA、利用PCR产物表达shRNA和从病毒载体表达shRNA。除了siRNA外,公司还提供将100个到1000个siRNA导入细胞的转染和电穿孔产品。美国Ambion是一家闻名 的RNA公司,自2001年起Ambion开始提供RNAi及其相关产品,经过几年努力,今年Ambion被Science评为zui高技术的RNAi技术公司。

LIFE ambion PureLink RNA Mini Kit(货号12183025)



The PureLink® RNA Mini Kit provides a simple, reliable, and rapid column-based method for isolating high-quality total RNA from a wide variety of sources without the need for hazardous reagents such as phenol. Obtain high-yield, high-integrity RNA from animal and plant cells and tissues as well as blood, bacteria, yeast, and liquid samples. The PureLink® RNA Mini Kit provides:• Rapid, non-hazardous RNA purification capabilities• Ready-to-use RNA for many downstream applicationsRapid and convenient column purificationThe PureLink® RNA Mini Kit provides rapid purification of total RNA from a wide range of cells and tissue types to yield up to 1,000 µg of purified RNA from a single extraction (see table). High-quality total RNA can be obtained from mini- to midi-prep amounts of starting material with no genomic DNA contamination.Simplified, nontoxic RNA purificationThe PureLink® RNA Mini Kit combines nontoxic guanidine-isothiocyanate lysis with the speed, purity, and ease-of-use of silica-membrane purification. The safe and easy procedure can typically be completed in less than 20 minutes without the need for hazardous phenol/chloroform extraction, CsCl centrifugation, LiCl, or alcohol precipitation.The PureLink RNA Mini Kit is recommended to be used together with the Homogenizer (Cat. No. 12183026) designed to homogenize cell or tissue lysates via centrifugation, prior to nucleic acid purification. The Homogenizer is especially effective for clarifying particulates from plant tissues.For plant tissues rich in polyphenolics or starch (e.g., pine needles, potato tubers), we recommend using PureLink™ Plant RNA Reagent (Cat. No. 12322012) together with the PureLink RNA Mini Kit.

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