ERK 2 (C-14) 抗体SC-154


ERK 2 (C-14) 抗体



ERK 2 (C-14) 抗体rabbit polyclonal IgG, 200 ?g/ml; also available as goat IgG, 200 ?g/ml, sc-154-G mouse, rat, human, avian, frog, zebrafish and Xenopus origin by WB, IP, IF, IHC(P), FCM and ELISA


ERK 2 (C-14) 抗体

ERK 2 Background InformationMitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways involve two closely related MAP kinases, known as extracellular-signal-related kinase 1 (ERK 1, p44) and 2 (ERK 2, p42). Growth factors, steroid hormones, G protein-coupled receptor ligands, and neurotransmitters can initiate MAPK signaling pathways. Activation of ERK1 and ERK2 requires phosphorylation by upstream kinases such as MAP kinase kinase (MEK), MEK kinase and Raf-1. ERK1 and ERK2 phosphorylation can occur at specific tyrosine and threonine sites mapping within consensus motifs that include the Threonine-Glutamate-Tyrosine motif. ERK activation leads to dimerization with other ERKs and subsequent localization to the nucleus. Active ERK dimers phosphorylate serine and threonine residues on nuclear proteins and influence a host of responses that include proliferation, differentiation, transcription regulation and development. The human ERK2 gene maps to chromosome 22q11.21 and encodes a 360-amino acid protein.

rabbit polyclonal IgG, 200 µg/ml; also available as goat IgG, 200 µg/ml, sc-154-G

epitope mapping at the C-terminus of ERK 2 of rat origin

recommended for detection of ERK 2 p42 and, to a lesser extent, ERK 1 p44 of mouse, rat, human, avian, frog, zebrafish and Xenopus origin by WB, IP, IF, IHC(P), FCM and ELISA; also reactive with additional species, including equine, canine, bovine, porcine and avian

blocking peptide, sc-154 P

agarose conjugate for IP studies, sc-154 AC, 500 µg/0.25 ml agarose

fluorescein (sc-154 FITC) and rhodamine (sc-154 TRITC) conjugates for immunofluorescence, 200 µg/ml

phycoerythrin (sc-154 PE) conjugate for intracellular FCM, 100 tests

Alexa Fluor® 405 (sc-154 AF405), Alexa Fluor® 488 (sc-154 AF488) and Alexa Fluor® 647 (sc-154 AF647) conjugates for FCM or immunofluorescence; 100 µg/2 ml

ERK 2 (C-14): sc-154. Western blot analysis of ERK 2 expression in A-431 (A), HeLa (B), KNRK (C), NIH/3T3 (D), NRK (E) and DU 145 (F) whole cell lysates.

ERK 2 (C-14)-G: sc-154-G. Western blot analysis of ERK 1 and ERK 2 expression in A-431 (A), HeLa (B), KNRK (C) and NIH/3T3 (D) whole cell lysates.

ERK 2 (C-14): sc-154. Immunofluorescence staining of methanol-fixed HeLa cells (A) and immunoperoxidase staining of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human breast carcinoma tissue (B) showing cytoplasmic localization.

Western blot analysis of ERK in 3611-RF (A,D), NIH/3T3 (B,E) and KNRK (C,F) whole cell lysates. Antibodies tested include ERK 1 (K-23)-G: sc-94-G (A-C) and ERK 2 (C-14)-G: sc-154-G (D-F).

ERK 2 (C-14) Alexa Fluor 488: sc-154 AF488. Intracellular FCM analysis of fixed and permeabilized HeLa cells. Black line histogram represents the isotype control, normal rabbit IgG: sc-45068.

ERK 2 (C-14) Alexa Fluor 647: sc-154 AF647. Intracellular FCM analysis of fixed and permeabilized HeLa cells. Black line histogram represents the isotype control, normal rabbit IgG: sc-24647.

ERK 2 (C-14): sc-154. Immunofluorescence staining of methanol-fixed HeLa cells showing cytoplasmic localization using indirect FITC (A) staining and direct Alexa Fluor 488 (B) staining.

ERK 2 (C-14): sc-154. Western blot analysis of ERK 1 expression in non-transfected 293T: sc-117752 (A), mouse ERK 1 transfected 293T: sc-126806 (B) and A-431 (C) whole cell lysates.

ERK 2 (C-14): sc-154. Western blot analysis of ERK 2 expression in rat hippocampus tissue extract.

ERK 2 (C-14)-G: sc-154-G. Western blot analysis of ERK 2 expression in rat hippocampus tissue extract.

ERK 2 (C-14) PE: sc-154 PE. Intracellular FCM analysis of fixed and permeabilized NIH/3T3 cells. Black line histogram represents the isotype control, normal rabbit IgG: sc-3871.

ERK 2 (C-14)-G: sc-154-G. Western blot analysis of ERK 2 expression in non-transfected 293T: sc-117752 (A), human ERK 2 transfected 293T: sc-177196 (B), A-431 (C) and HeLa (D) whole cell lysates.

ERK 1 (C-14): sc-154. Western blot analysis of ERK 1 expression in non-transfected: sc-117752 (A) and human ERK 1 transfected: sc-171765 (B) 293T whole cell lysates.

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