




sigmaL-天冬酰胺assay ≥99% (TLC) mp 233-235 °C(lit.)



L-Asparagine monohydrateProduct Number A 8381Store at Room TemperatureProduct DescriptionMolecular Formula: C4H8N2O3 • H2OMolecular Weight: 150.1CAS Number: 5794-13-8pKa: 2.14 (-COOH), 8.72 (-NH2)1pI: 5.431Specific Rotation: +32.6°(10 mg/ml, 0.1 M HCl, 20 °C)Melting Point: 234-235 °C2Synonyms: (S)-2-aminosuccinic acid 4-amide,L-aspartic acid 4-amide, α-aminoauccinamic acid,aspartic acid β-amide2The amino acid L-asparagine is a structural analog ofL-aspartic acid, where the side chain of the carboxylicacid moiety is amidated, to give a terminal aminegroup. This renders L-asparagine neutral atphysiological pH. The amide group of asparagine isderived from glutamate, in the reaction of aspartateand glutamine in the presence of ATP to yieldasparagine and glutamate.3 In vivo, asparagine ishydrolyzed to aspartate and NH4+ by asparaginase.4Asparagine is also an important amino acid inglycopeptide bonds, via N-glycosyl linkages to thesugar rings.3L-Asparagine is used in cell culture media and is acomponent of MEM non-essential amino acids solution(Product No. M 7145). L-Asparagine has been shownto enhance ornithine decarboxylase activity in culturedhuman colon adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cells and incultured IEC-6 intestinal epithelial cells.5,6 Sporegermination in Bacillus subtilis has been increased inthe presence of L-asparagine.7An isoxazoline RGD mimic plaet GPIIb/IIIaantagonist has been prepared by chiral synthesis withL-asparagine as a starting material.8 L-Asparaginehas been utilized in the synthesis of 4-azalysinebuilding blocks for application to combinatorialchemistry.9Precautions and DisclaimerFor Laboratory Use Only. Not for drug, household orother uses.Preparation InstructionsThis product is soluble in water (50 mg/ml), with heatas needed, yielding a clear, colorless solution.References1. Molecular Biology Lab, Brown, T. A., ed., BIOSScientific Publishers (Oxford, UK: 1991), p. 29.2. The Merck Index, 12th ed., Entry# 872.3. Textbook of Biochemistry with ClinicalCorrelations, 5th ed., Devlin, T. M., ed., Wiley-Liss(New York, NY: 2002), pp. 97, 680-681, 785-786.4. Biochemistry, 3rd ed., Stryer, L., W. H. Freeman(New York, NY: 1988), pp. 18, 504.5. Chabanon, H., et al., Increased translationefficiency and antizyme-dependent stabilization ofornithine decarboxylase in amino acidsupplementedhuman colon adenocarcinomacells, Caco-2. Biochem. J., 348(Pt 2), 401-408(2000).6. Ray, R. M., et al., Interaction of asparagine andEGF in the regulation of ornithine decarboxylase inIEC-6 cells. Am. J. Physiol., 276(3 Pt 1), G773-780.7. Cabrera-Martinez, R. M., et al., Effects ofoverexpression of nutrient receptors ongermination of spores of Bacillus subtilis. J.Bacteriol., 185(8), 2457-2464 (2003).8. Zhang L. H., et al., The Enantiospecific synthesisof an isoxazoline. A RGD mimic plaet GPIIb/IIIaantagonist. J. Org. Chem., 62(8), 2466-2470(1997).9. Chhabra, S. R., et al., Homochiral 4-azalysinebuilding blocks: syntheses and applications insolid-phase chemistry. J. Org. Chem., 67(12),4017-4029 (2002).GCY/RXR 8/03Sigma brand

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