NK MACS® Medium-授权一级代理


NK MACS® Medium

简要描述:NK MACS® Medium is an optimized cell culture medium for the c*tion and expansion of human NK cells. It is produced without animal derived components.


Overview:NK MACS® Medium is an optimized cell culture medium for the c*tion and expansion of human NK cells. It is produced without animal derived components but contains stable glutamine, and phenol red.

Detailed product information:NK MACS® Medium was developed for the c*tion, activation, and expansion of human NK cells. Expanded NK cells are fully functional and can be used in any downstream assay, e.g. killing assays. As starting material isolated human NK cells or PBMCs can be used. When starting the expansion from PBMCs, growth and expansion of unwanted cells (T cells, NKT cells) is minimal.

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