StemMACS™ Cardiac C*tion Medium XF, human-授权一级代理


StemMACS™ Cardiac C*tion Medium XF, human

简要描述:StemMACS™ Cardiac C*tion Medium XF, human is a complete ready-to-use xeno-free cell culture medium for the c*tion of human cardiomyocytes.


Overview:StemMACS™ Cardiac C*tion Medium XF, human is a complete ready-to-use xeno-free cell culture medium for the c*tion of human cardiomyocytes.

Detailed product information:Directed differentiation of specific lineages from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) is a major tool for developmental or disease models, drug screening platforms, or cellular therapies from hPSCs. In this regard, cardiomyocytes generated from pluripotent stem cells are widely used as a model system in basic and translational research.StemMACS Cardiac C*tion Medium XF is a complete and xeno-free cell culture media for consistent and reliable c*tion of cardiomyocytes derived from hPSCs. After directed differentiation using StemMACS CardioDiff Kit XF (# 130-125-289), PSC-derived cardiomyocytes can be maintained in culture in StemMACS Cardiac C*tion Medium XF for more than 30 days. Additionally, StemMACS Cardiac C*tion Medium XF facilitates a fast recovery after thawing of PSC-derived cardiomyocytes frozen in StemMACS Cryo-Brew (# 130-109-558). StemMACS Cardiac C*tion Medium XF does not contain phenol red.

Applications:C*tion of cardiomyocytes derived from human PSC lines

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